Happy New Year Bones followers....thanks thanks thanks
for supporting us last year, for all your cheers
and all the pennies you've
spent on books and t-shirts and badges....
We really do appreciate it, and we only can do it if
you want us too....
Currently we are recording and writing new stuff to
play to you next year, with gigs planned in March and May so far
and hopefully a new album towards the end of the year!!!
New Costumes!! New Sets!! New Singer!
(only joking!!)
(about the singer!)
We love you all...
Bones & The Aft is a unique collaboration between
three eccentrically complimentary individual eartists..
They are Admiral Lord Biscuit,
formerly with Ivich Lives, the Doctors of Love,
Florence Welch, Rum Shebeen and many others.
Half accomplished multi instrumentalist and half Mad Inventor,
he is the current holder of the London South Bank
Centre International Piano Scrapheap Challenge trophy.
Guitarist Ian Mckean made his name in the
eighties with Generation X offshoot and
WEA signed Twenty Flight Rockers
and later the Virgin signed Balaam and the Angel.
Mckean provides raw yet sensitive guitarscapes
to contain and enhance the
passionately observational storytelling of singer
John Bently,
a sort of singer of sorts,
provider of words, costumes and hand painted sets.
Bently is best known for his internationally
collected long running series of art in book form,
The Liver and Lights Chronicle.
Bones and the Aft are these books brought to life,
by three fearlessly entertaining, memorably passionate performers..
“A mythical metropolis inhabited by a teeming population of sharply drawn,
richly detailed characters”. Aiden Dunne. The Irish Times
a world of forlorn high streets whose junk shops
stock records in the wrong sleeves;
outsider schoolmates; cheap travel.
Mining a broadly similar seam of
Englishness to the late great Kevin Coyne, perhaps…
Stephen Drennan. Book Art Newsletter 2013