Saturday, 26 April 2014

Camberwell College of Art 2014

                                                                   Biscuit in red...

 Ian in mid solo....

Hester; young and lovely....
and truly funkadelic

 Washed out....

 Lost in Fog...

This is what happened at 
Camberwell College of Art last night....
a  magical night of music with 
Bones and Hester and Lost in Fog
.... a truly special night.....

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Sir Skellington Bones by Bones and the Aft

This Friday....Art School Party

Only a few tickets left.....

This Friday 25th April...were on  7.45pm
.....Support from Lost in Fog at 6.55pm  
and Arthur Bently's 
Hester  finish things off at 845...

Steve Woods made this film  a few years ago!!!

Thanks Steve!!