These are some pages from
Liver & Lights No 52
Lord Biscuits Volvo 245 is Gone !
which we will be launching
on Saturday July 12th at
Bread & Roses,
68 Clapham Manor St,
8pm. Adm £5.00
The text has allready been made into New Music
which we will be performing for you on the night
In case you might be interested,
each page is hand printed from a
cut foam rubber type block and
each page is about 6 by 4 inches
and there are only a few left...
I made sixty or so but the plates have
started to crumble and deteriorate
so there'll be no second edition in this form.
They're £30 and there are 11 left..
If you want one let me know asap
This last image is of a special edition of the book
I've just made, contained in a wooden hinged slipcase and with an original
painting inside. There are only three of these and they'll
be about £300 if you want one. I might or might not
do some more......maybe one more....