Tuesday, 27 June 2017

One True Glove

My latest piece of work, 
a wood carving in English Oak,
provided by Lord Biscuit,
carved using tools once belonging to 
noted silversmith Warren Martin's Grandad
 and kindly bequeathed by him to me,
part of the One Shoe Mickey series
which will one day soon become
an Exhibition of Paintings 
and Sculpture by
One Shoe Mickey
and a Song Cycle
describing the Life and Times
of the aforesaid Mickey
performed and released as an 
Long Playing Record Album

Here are two of Mickey's paintings of
Gloves: he is a bit obsessed by them
and lovingly renders them in paint daily.

They are dropped  gloves mostly,
picked up by Mickey
on his daily trudge through the streets
of London Town.

They have imprinted
 in their nooks and scuffs
the story of the wearers life... 

Mickey has painted 27 so far
and these will be exhibited 
and turned into a book 
illustrating the songs of 
One Shoe Mickey

All this stuff together 

Liver & Lights No 56.

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Vinyl and Gigs News

Just finished printing the covers for
imminent new Long Playing Record
You've Been Kind 
A collaboration between
Bonesandtheaft and the mighty Bird Radio
which will be coming out in the 
next few weeks.
Liver & Lights No 55. You've Been Kind
CD with Zine £10.00
Vinyl LP  £15.00

our eternal house tour resumes
with two gigs in London:

We are in North London on Saturday 10th June (7 pm)
and South London on Sunday 11th June (6pm) .

If you want to attend please contact
us by email at hanksoake@gmail.com
and we will forward you the 
Secret Locations