Saturday, 2 March 2019

Mickey album finally available!!!

Liver & Lights No 57 is:

“Mickey gets things all mixed up,
the front is back, the taking’s giving.
His brain can’t take the stress, 
cant take the strain of modern living…” 

         A limited edition signed CD:        
£10 plus £2.00 postage
Please order now!!

paypal at:

Cheque  payable to: 
liver & Lights  
(by post to  229 Railton Rd, London, SE 24 0LX)

Bank details for direct payments  on request from:

Ian Mckean: Guitars, keyboards   
Admiral Lord Biscuit : Drums   
Arthur Bently: Alto Saxophone 
John Bently: Words, vocals  
Bird Radio: Flute, Keyboards

Music mostly composed by Ian Mckean, 
with additional Ideas from 
Bird Radio,  Arthur Bently and Lord Biscuit. 
Track two : Music by A. Scriabin. ( Prelude No. 5 Opus 11 ), 
transcribed for guitar by Ian Mckean. 
Words by John Bently.  
Cover Photos by Chiara Ambrosio

“undoubtedly the bands masterpiece…..”   

Based on the  poems recently published as 
Liver & Lights No 56. One Shoe Michael; 
A London Song Cycle, 
we are proud to finally deliver  to the world 
a brand new album of thematically 
linked songs relating to the life and times 
of the mythical One Shoe Mickey, 
a former refugee now living in London.  

Mickey has taken a bang or two in his hard life, 
and his brains are a bit  scrambled, but not his heart. 
His heart has been made more human by his hardships 
and his odd pronouncements seem, despite their mixedupness, 
to make more sense  than any politician.

Mickey sets out every day from his cardboard home
 in search of the One True Glove, reputed to be lost somewhere
 in the ancient and mythical city of London.
These ten songs tell of his daily trudges
 along our well trodden streets, 
searching, always searching, for his lost family, 
among the fallen  gloves and trodden  snails of London.

These songs also commemorate some of the people he meets 
along the way; their infinite capacity for kindness, and selflessness 
despite their daily struggle.

Liver & Lights No 56. One Shoe Michael, 
containing all the lyrics and Mickey’s glove paintings  
in full colour reproduction, 
is still available for £10.00Special Offer!!  
Buy the Book and CD together for only £15.00 plus £2.00 postage…

If you've already paid...I haven't forgotten the post shortly!!!!