The New World of Slingy Gaw.
(Born from the mouth of a snail..)
Liver & Lights No 62
…and what if in our own world
every between things boundary,
and all the laws of art and science,
the very bindings of the
cosmos, were suddenly disappeared
as if the rule-glue
had dried and crumbled out f
rom the spine of the book
of the universe…..
….and sound becomes silence,
and song becomes a knife
and night is found hiding under
the bed of day and the bright bright laughter of
children turns into the messenger of despair
and good deeds spread only evil,
as growing things ungrow into nothingness
and the sun spins forth only darkness….
This new Liver & Lights project so far incorporates
a series of songs written in an imagined language
and 40 new paintings of the imagined future world
of Slingy Gaw.
This is a world teeming with magical dancing hybrid
characters, turned upside down and inside out.
A strange land where all narrative disappears.
A land with its own language where logic has turned
liquid…a land where a whole universe grows
from the song of a snail and dancing has replaced politics……
a land where all living creatures are hermaphodites…
All the paintings will be exhibited together
online at the Skye Gallery from May 1-22nd 2021
(…and where some of them might actually be for sale!)
Some of the songs and most of the the paintings
have been gathered into a brand new book,
Liver & Lights no 62
published on May 1st 2021.
Pre publication orders are £10.00 plus £2.00 p&p
and available now from:
Or cheque payable to:
Liver & Lights,
229 Railton Rd, London, SE24 0LX
Bank details on request from: