Thursday, 5 November 2020

Human Family Borderless Planet

There’s room in the world for everyone….


 Our live streamed gig with all proceeds going to

Its definitely on!  


In case you were wondering!

The MUsicians Union have been informed 

(by the government) that:

“Studios can remain open”

and also that:

“Orchestras can rehearse and perform

live streamed gigs”

Tickets still available Now!

 Only £6  with all proceeds...etc from:

Join us….

There’s room in the world for everyone…. 

Tuesday, 13 October 2020

Live Streamed Gig!!!


We re back! Sort of!!


will be performing 

a live, streamed,  online!

concert with full costumes, 

sets and smoke and lights

some old songs, some new songs 

some Special Guests!!

Beamed Live direct from 

The Herne Hill Station Hall

On  Saturday 14th November 

at 8 pm on the dot.....

Tickets for this event will be 

£6.00 each with all proceeds

donated  to The Refugee Council

Details of how to book coming soon,

but please make this a firm date in your diary!!

Monday, 27 July 2020

Bones/Liver & Lights News

The incorrigible Ken Jones has a terrific website
dedicated to the history of the mysterious hidden
River Effra and other things Herne Hill related...
He has commissioned us to write something related
and our contribution is up now on the website below...
click and watch on Soundcloud for extra info and the
full lyrics follow below...

It is a prototype demo that Ian, Mikey and
Biscuit will no doubt add to in good time...


the Brixton Creek,
the shape shifter of effluent
from the creeping suburbs
to the stinking Thames,
red bricked and rooved,
the stink piped prison
of belching fatberg Golems
fueled by pasta slime
and belching clingy wetwipes,
discarded facemasks
and red eyed rats
no poison can detox,
no sneaky maze riddler 
can Ku-klux  her hidden darkness 
on whiskered turnpike-tiptoes,
execute the rat trap blunt-slice
that splinters  bone 
but does not quickly kill,
like a furred jesus on a triggered cross
the thorndrips glooping 
metal scented in the midday heat.

The green-livered lentil griddlers,
wishing our sweet accursed city into
more of a home counties bailiwick
think they have cancelled 
the Poets Corner rat-run
with their wood-lego fairy gardens 
yet beneath these dulcet covens
of child-worship and genteel aspiration,
the real rodent city scraps and scurries 
in our shitstream
fighting tooth and claw 
for each precious second of life awarded
down in the black pipe.

Clutch your unspoiled babies tight
as the trap sings snap! 
-sound frozen in the midnight  stillness,
sleepy eyes unfocus on brown oil 
leaking from open wounds
three or four oozing welts 
sticky thru a rubby shirt of hair,
inside  the bonecrushed whip-shop,
interior leaking  livid 
like taloned  torturers biblical
have sliced across his desert brown back,
have licked his messiah brow with rat-love 
and brung him loinclothed forth
to meet his fate.

A million million more
in the dark Yffra beneath
your crisp white sheets
insane with hunger
yellow toothed 


I did a 'Shed Talk' for the Centre For Fine Print Research
at UWE (thanks to Angie Butler and Sarah Bodman.....)
about my recent paintings and
how they will one day become a book.....

Arthur and me jamming in the background....
with Extra Special Celebrity Guest Appearance
(No, not Britney....)

Lasts about five minutes and you can watch it here
...I would be thrilled to hear your comments, obviously....

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Youve been kind!

We have made a second hand made edition of our collaborative 
Bird Radio/ bonesandtheaft house tour album ‘You’ve been Kind!” 
A bit like the cover of The Who’s Live at Leeds- gatefold recycled 
brown folded card with lots of free gift inserts- a signed print, 
a new zine with all the lyrics, a vinyl masterpiece and various 
invite cards.....only 20 copies then they are gone! If you want one 
they are only 20 quid inc postage . It's the record where we made 
a song for all the houses we visited on our house tour.  

Paypal me if you want one :

You can also buy it here:

Sunday, 29 March 2020

A202 L&L 60

Liver & Lights No. 60

The A202. 
Vauxhall to New Cross Via Camberwell Green.

As some of you might know...
I recently made this book with the current
crop of talented  Illustration students 
on the Foundation course at Camberwell College of Art...

...unfortunately held in self isolated aspic currently 
as we await the passing of the plague.....

The book is  an illuminated version of
One Shoe Mickey's famous poem celebrating our magical road:

"South London's answer to Route 66"

cut up into 71
fragments and made into 71 block printed text-explorations, 
reassembled into the finished paperback.

NB: OSMs poem  was written in response to the 
wonderful Alan Brownjohn's earlier poem (AKA A202) 
written about this road,
(Check it out...and his other work..He is a wonderful and inspiring, 
if shamefully ill-recognised  English post war poet and  Humanist)

which paints it in rather more unflattering light than
Mickey's more celebratory offering...

So...  because the College is closed 'until further notice' we couldn't launch it
and I have 200 copies currently gathering spiders under my bed:

Which are for sale from me for £10.00 each,
plus  £2.00 postage

Buy a copy for your sister's boyfriend's birthday?
Because if you order two copies
Postage is FREE !!

paypal to me:

Monday, 9 March 2020

crypt again

We are playing the Camberwell  BA Illustration  
degree show fundraiser 
this Thursday at 
The Crypt under St Giles Church 
in Camberwell...
along with Fell and   
some others I believe...
-we will be on soon after 8.30pm,
 I'm told..
and free beer for the first 40  
folks through the door!
see you down the front....

Monday, 2 March 2020

costumes etc

bonesandtheaft? costumes?
as you all know...
I've been merrily constructing wacky costumes 
to perform in for the last 30 years or so
but aside from actual gigs
 I have only exhibited 
them once before- Brixton East in 2015.  

Watch this space for further news on that front...

In the meantime, here is a recap of some of my 
more memorable creations, darling:

Saturday, 18 January 2020

L&L 59


Back in the studio today after the long xmas break from creative activity, 
I remembered that during my recent show at Hart Club I had printed 
Liver & Lights no. 59 using  a brand new hand carved rubber stamp alphabet,
 letter by painstaking letter, with nearly 300 individual stampings in 
each of  the twenty copies I managed to make…  
A new text celebrating  a small moment in the life of Mutton Jeff, 
a real person who lives in my street, it is  decorative, brightly coloured 
and difficult to read, requiring time,  earplugs and slow solitude to explore.

How will I distribute these? 
Who will want them in our hectic electronic world? 

Some of you might know that, with a few arts council funded exceptions, 
most of the previous  50-odd Liver & Lights publications have been 
funded by pre-publication subscription. This is an ancient method of funding 
things  that became popular  in the  19th Century, utilised to finance the creation 
almost everything, from voyages of exploration to opera companies, 
from railway stations  to parliament buildings. I gleefully borrowed the idea 
and  for 30 years have successfully funded my books  (
and records), accruing over 100 regular subscribers at one stage, 
although sadly, you, my subscribers, have dwindled in the last few years 
to a mere handful, what with so much competition out there 
and reading being somewhat out of fashion……

So few are you and so painstaking was the process of making that 
I’ve only made twenty of these new books, so if you want one you 
had better get on the case fast, although just in case anyone new out there 
might be interested, I’ve made a further twenty inkjet printed copies, 
identically bound and difficult to tell apart from the hand printed ones 
except that they are half the price!

Liver & Lights No 59  Mutton Jeff By OSM. 
Hand printed hand bound in an  edition of 20 copies signed. 
An A5-ish paperback with genuine 19th Century vintage marbled paper 
£30.00 (inc postage)

Liver & Lights No 59  Mutton Jeff By OSM Hand printed hand bound 
2nd edition of 20 copies, signed. An A5-ish paperback with 
genuine 19th Century vintage marbled paper dustjacket 
£20.00 (inc postage)

Please send me an old fashioned cheque payable to 
Liver & lights scriptorium, 229 Railton Rd London SE240LX