I remembered that during my recent show at Hart Club I had printed
Liver & Lights no. 59 using a brand new hand carved rubber stamp alphabet,
letter by painstaking letter, with nearly 300 individual stampings in
each of the twenty copies I managed to make…
A new text celebrating a small moment in the life of Mutton Jeff,
a real person who lives in my street, it is decorative, brightly coloured
and difficult to read, requiring time, earplugs and slow solitude to explore.
How will I distribute these?
Who will want them in our hectic electronic world?
Some of you might know that, with a few arts council funded exceptions,
most of the previous 50-odd Liver & Lights publications have been
funded by pre-publication subscription. This is an ancient method of funding
things that became popular in the 19th Century, utilised to finance the creation
almost everything, from voyages of exploration to opera companies,
from railway stations to parliament buildings. I gleefully borrowed the idea
and for 30 years have successfully funded my books (
and records), accruing over 100 regular subscribers at one stage,
although sadly, you, my subscribers, have dwindled in the last few years
to a mere handful, what with so much competition out there
and reading being somewhat out of fashion……
So few are you and so painstaking was the process of making that
I’ve only made twenty of these new books, so if you want one you
had better get on the case fast, although just in case anyone new out there
might be interested, I’ve made a further twenty inkjet printed copies,
identically bound and difficult to tell apart from the hand printed ones
except that they are half the price!
Liver & Lights No 59 Mutton Jeff By OSM.
Hand printed hand bound in an edition of 20 copies signed.
An A5-ish paperback with genuine 19th Century vintage marbled paper
£30.00 (inc postage)
Liver & Lights No 59 Mutton Jeff By OSM Hand printed hand bound
2nd edition of 20 copies, signed. An A5-ish paperback with
genuine 19th Century vintage marbled paper dustjacket
£20.00 (inc postage)
Please send me an old fashioned cheque payable to
Liver & lights scriptorium, 229 Railton Rd London SE240LX
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